Fiction Writing Tips For Beginners

Writing can be difficult for someone starting out. For the beginner getting into fiction writing, here are a few tips:

Establish a Setting

As someone who critiques on Wattpad, too often do I see characters just dropped into an empty world. There are places the character goes to, but those places are never described. This is where descriptions come in handy. What does your character’s house look like? What season is it? Is the character in a small town or a large city?

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Wattpad: Why do the Popular Stories Mostly Suck?


This is an expansion of a previous rant on Wattpad. You can find that here. 

Wattpad has got to be one of the only writing sites on the internet where your stories can become popular with atrocious grammar, one diminsional characters, and POVs that change at neckbreak speed. Type in any popular phrase like “Bad boy”, “geek”, “vampire”, “One Direction”, etc., you’re going to get a top page of mostly junk. Trust me. And yet, they’ve got millions of views and thousands of likes.

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